Ignition Coil Yamaha YZ250 YZ 250 Dirtbike 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 NEW
$ 4.42
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About Us
Ignition Coil Yamaha YZ250 YZ 250 Dirtbike 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 NEW
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/*JS Container CSS Properties For MultiPage Gallery*/ .slideshow{ /*CSS for DIV containing each image*/ /*margin: 0 auto; */ } .slideshow img{ /*Change "auto" below to a number (ie: 200px) to hard code dimensions of album images*/ } #PicCage{ float: left; margin: 10; } #navlinks{ /*CSS for DIV containing the navigational links*/ text-decoration: none; } #navlinks a{ /*CSS for each navigational link*/ a:link, a:visited:text-decoration:underline; a:hover:text-decoration:none; margin-right: 2px; margin-bottom: 3px; padding: 1px; background-color: white; color: black; border: 1px Solid white; font-size: 110%; text-decoration: none; } #navlinks a.current{ /*CSS for currently selected navigational link*/ padding: 5px; background-color: black; color: white; text-decoration: none; } #ThumbCage{ } .2c1f0a2Y3r5o-7t1c6-a3F8G-6n2i4-t7s8i-9L9T3-h7g6i-2r4y8-p5o9C { color: #ccc; text-align: center; }
/*********************************************** * Image Thumbnail viewer- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) * Last updated Sept 26th, 03'. This notice must stay intact for use * Visit HTTPS://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code * Full Permission has been granted by Dinamic Drive for use of upto 10 scripts by Listing Factory ***********************************************/ var ie=document.all var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all function ietruebody(){ return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat" && !window.opera)? document.documentElement : document.body } function enlarge(which, e, position, imgwidth, imgheight, thumbwidth, thumbheight){ if (ie||ns6){ crossobj=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("showimage") : document.all.showimage if (position=="center"){ pgyoffset=ns6? parseInt(pageYOffset) : parseInt(ietruebody().scrollTop) horzpos=ns6? pageXOffset+window.innerWidth/2-imgwidth/2 : ietruebody().scrollLeft+ietruebody().clientWidth/2-imgwidth/2 vertpos=ns6? pgyoffset+window.innerHeight/2-imgheight/2 : pgyoffset+ietruebody().clientHeight/2-imgheight/2 if (parent.frames.length==0) { //vertpos=ns6? pgyoffset+window.innerHeight/2-imgheight/2 : pgyoffset+ietruebody().clientHeight/2-imgheight/2 } else { e = e || window.event; vertpos= (e.clientY+document.body.scrollTop-imgheight/2); } if (window.opera && window.innerHeight) //compensate for Opera toolbar vertpos=pgyoffset+window.innerHeight/2-imgheight/2 vertpos=Math.max(pgyoffset, vertpos) } else{ var horzpos=ns6? pageXOffset+e.clientX : ietruebody().scrollLeft+event.clientX var vertpos=ns6? pageYOffset+e.clientY : ietruebody().scrollTop+event.clientY } crossobj.style.left=horzpos+"px" crossobj.style.top=vertpos+"px" crossobj.innerHTML='
/*********************************************** * Photo Album script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com) * Visit HTTPS://www.dynamicDrive.com for hundreds of DHTML scripts * This notice must stay intact for legal use * Full Permission has been granted by Dinamic Drive for use of upto 10 scripts by Listing Factory ***********************************************/ var dimension="3x2" //Specify dimension of gallery (number of images shown), such as 4x2, 3x1 etc //Specify images: //galleryarray[x]=["path_to_image", "optional_title_attribute", "optional_text_description", "optional_link"] var galleryarray=new Array() galleryarray[0]=["HTTPS://box349.listingfactoryhost.net/users/12098f0616b38d1923/eBayAuctions/ic3/images/8aee86146a2842b2b759d5dd2_thumb.jpg", "", "", "HTTPS://box349.listingfactoryhost.net/users/12098f0616b38d1923/eBayAuctions/ic3/images/70ffd64b2b124e76baddca89f_large.jpg", "500", "500" , "200", "200"] var href_target="" var totalslots=dimension.split("x")[0]*dimension.split("x")[1] function buildimage(i){ var tempcontainer="" tempcontainer+=galleryarray[i][3]!=""? tempcontainer+='' : "" tempcontainer+='
if (galleryarray[i][1] != ""){
tempcontainer=galleryarray[i][1]!=""? tempcontainer+galleryarray[i][1] : tempcontainer
tempcontainer+=' ';
//tempcontainer=galleryarray[i][2]!=""? tempcontainer+galleryarray[i][2] : tempcontainer
return tempcontainer
function jumptopage(p){
var startpoint=(p-1)*totalslots
var y=1;
for (i=0; i')
Item Description
Yamaha YZ250 Dirtbike 1977-1982
Payment Policy
We accept PayPal
Shipping Policy
Free shipping to all US states
International shipping
We ship within one business day after the payment gets cleared
All items have one year warranty
Returns Policy
If item(s) are returned within thirty (14) business days of receipt, we will issue a full refund of the purchase price, as long as they have never been installed and are returned in the original box. Of course, in the rare circumstance where we make a shipping mistake, we will be glad to ship you the correct item
as well as create a return for the incorrect one. Returns are subject to a 20% restocking fee.
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